"At the Repeatable Level, policies for managing a software project and procedures to implement those policies are established. Planning and managing new projects is based on experience with similar projects. Process capability is enhanced by establishing basic process management discipline on a project by project basis. An effective process can be characterized as one which is practiced, documented, enforced, trained, measured, and able to improve.
"Projects in Level 2 organizations have installed basic software management controls. Realistic project commitments are based on the results observed on previous projects and on the requirements of the current project. The software managers for a project track software costs, schedules, and functionality; problems in meeting commitments are identified when they arise. Software requirements and the work products developed to satisfy them are baselined, and their integrity is controlled. Software project standards are defined, and the organization ensures they are faithfully followed. The software project works with its subcontractors, if any, to establish a customer-supplier relationship.
"Processes may differ between projects in a Level 2 organization. The organizational requirement for achieving Level 2 is that there are policies that guide the projects in establishing the appropriate management processes. The software process capability of Level 2 organizations can be summarized as disciplined because planning and tracking of the software project is stable and earlier successes can be repeated. The project's process is under the effective control of a project management system, following realistic plans based on the performance of previous projects."