From the project document "Internal Development Stage Review Process" (Mark Cooper)
Good documentation is a fundamental part of ANY Development Task, and reviews are therefore performed to ensure that stages in the development process have been completed and documented satisfactorily in order for the next stage to proceed. They also provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas (education and skills transfer).
In order to perform the review, the following conditions should be observed:
Identify 'Stakeholders'
Circulate all review documents prior to the meeting, allowing sufficient time for this to be read by the parties concerned
Schedule the meeting at a time convenient to all concerned. If it is expected that the meeting will last more than an hour it may be necessary to schedule multiple meetings, breaking the subject matter down into suitably sized chunks.
For complex topics it may be necessary to circulate an agenda for the meeting. This should be set by the person 'calling' the meeting.
'Stakeholders' should be identified from the following :
Chairperson (ensures agenda is followed and prevents the discussion from straying from the intended topic)
Author of documentation under review
Likely users of the documentation
Peers (i.e. intellectual contributors to the documentation or people with experience of a similar problem domain)
Software Quality Assurance representative (SQA)
Standards Compliance representative where applicable
It is the responsibility of the scribe to:
Minute the review meeting
Note any corrective actions
It is the responsibility of the SQA to:
Ensure that responsibilities are assigned to any corrective actions
Ensure that deadlines for completion of identified tasks are set
Ensure that the means by which any assigned task may be verified is understood, and ensure that responsibility for that verification is assigned
Ensure that a decision is made regarding the necessity for a follow-up meeting
It may transpire that the same person may fulfill more than one of the above roles, for instance the author may also be the chairperson, the chairperson may also be the scribe. In practice the chairperson often also acts as scribe and SQA.
Prior to the end of any review meeting, any corrective actions (noted by the scribe) should be re-visited, with the SQA ensuring that responsibility for progressing the actions have been assigned to individuals.
The SQA will monitor the progress of any corrective actions and verify that agreed progress has been made prior to scheduling any follow-up meetings.
At the conclusion of the meeting, one of the following must be agreed:
The subject under review requires no further action and is satisfactory
The subject under review requires changes and no further verification (such as minor name changes)
The subject under review requires changes and verification
The subject under review requires changes, verification and a further review meeting