The Crystal family is described on Alaistair Cockburn's website (http://alistair.cockburn.us/crystal/crystal.html) This opens with the words:
Crystal collects together self-adapting family of "stretch-to-fit," human-powered software development methodologies based on these understandings:
1. Every project needs a slightly different set of policies and conventions, or methodology.
2. The workings of the project are sensitive to people issues, and improve as the people issues improve, individuals get better, and their teamwork gets better.
3. Better communications and frequent deliveries communication reduce the need for intermediate work products.
These fit much more with my inclinations: there is a classification of methods according to the number of people on the project and the potential of damage from the system.
They leave the project management responsible for the actual process adopted and provide for feedback by the team during the course of the project.
Also, there is a lot of similarity between “Crystal Clear” and the methodology adopted in the case study last year...