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Structure of this talk
The Expansion Menace
Spectre of The Past
The Organisation Fights Back
Return of the Methodologist
- Controlling scope
- Requirements capture
- Project management
- Change management
While all this was happening the mundane activity of contracting for and developing software continued. The problems caused by growth were still active: ambitious scope, inadequate resources and optimistic timetables. These were still compounded by senior management whose experience of small projects made them suspicious of any attempt to explicitly address the need for communication within the project team.
Last year's report was about the “new” Java/OO approach, but since then I've been consulted on Cobol projects. Yes, there are still new Cobol projects, and they have just the same problems that Java projects have. Neither group delivers new systems to the budgets set by the sales process.
Fortunately, warehouse management systems are long term investments, and the ongoing licencing and support charges provide revenues for a many years.
But what were we doing?