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Crystal Clear and Case Study
Team 6, Discretionary Monies
Single/adjoining offices
Sponsor, Senior designer-programmer, Designer-programmer, User
S/W delivered incrementally, progress tracked by deliveries, some automated integration testing, direct user involvement, “downstream” activities start when “upstream” ready for review.
[Work Products, Tools]
I'll be talking more about Alistair Cockburn's “Crystal” methods on Saturday, but it is interesting to compare his “Crystal Clear” methodology (which I hadn't investigated last year) with the case study...
The forces applicable to the project were similar to those for which Crystal Clear is suggested. The maximum number of deveopers suggested for Crystal is 10 – and we certainly encountered communication problems during the period when the team grew beyond that.
We didn't quite manage the adjoining offices (the offices were on separate floors of the same building).
The roles required by Crystal Clear correspond with those adopted with the exception of “User” (which was split across “Business Analyst” and “Implementation Consultant”).
There was only one difference in the policy: we didn't have direct user involvement. But this was mitigated by the project being a replacement for an existing system, and having the designer involved with the customer as part of the requirements gathering.
All of the work products defined in Crystal Clear were produced. (These include various forms of documentation that are not required in XP.)
Crystal Clear identifies several important tools, including one we didn't have: a printing whiteboard – we couldn't cost-justify this and used a digital camera instead.