When the company formed in 1982 it was a typical small software house. A project team consisted of a small team of multi-skilled people who were involved in all areas of a project. Until about 4-5 years ago the company was still operating in this manner, albeit with more teams.
In line with the IT industry at large the solutions that we deliver to customers have become increasingly complex.
The original systems deployed by the company consisted of a couple of PCs and a line printer connected in a rudimentary manner. They could usually be found in a warehouse. There were still a few of these around when I joined the company 9 years ago.
Today our systems support multiple sites and a variety of wireless technologies. They can be found in a number of places such as warehouses, supermarkets and vehicles.
In 1982 the company had handful of employess, 10 years ago we had around 50, today we have over 250.