Finally, middle and senior management appeared either indifferent to the process changes or intent on imposing their own process model.
The effect of project and departmental management manifested in a number of ways:
failure to schedule activities necessary to support the process (e.g. No time allowance for regression testing prior to release)
Scheduling deliveries without reference to planning the development activities (so that design and coding are both waiting on ongoing requirements capture – while no work is done on parts of the system for which the requirements are known).
“Not having time” to review work. Leading to late delivery of the next stage and substantial rework.
Failure to address lack of resources and/or skills. Projects would lack design, coding or testing resources despite these lacks being identified.
The effect of senior management was also apparent:
Demands for “standard” solution domain components. (Which, naturally, were to be developed as part of any ongoing projects.)
Restructuring the organisation to change roles and responsibilities.